Priscilla and her Books

I'm a hardcore bibliophile.

Reflection of the Gods

Reflection of the Gods - Lisa Llamrei I feel like Marty McFly when reading Reflection of the Gods. This urban fantasy tale constantly shifts to the POVs of Das MacDermott and Aislinn and the way the author does it, proves to be effective. Ancient time to 21st century, it’s an interesting concept and it feels like time travel. Reflection of the Gods opens with a brief chapter of Das’s childhood which results in unforgettable repercussion. Sparks fly between Das and Aislinn and I find the development between them a little too fast-paced. It feels bumpy. On a different note, Llamrei’s writing is captivating and appealing. The POV of Das mainly shows how important it is to follow your passion. He’s a relatable character. Despite having unsupportive parents, he dumped his job as an accountant and went on full speed for a career as a photographer. Aislinn, a demigod, is alone in this world and longs for a companion. It’s hardly a surprise to see these two characters falling madly in love as they complement each other really well. Some parts are more funny than a barrel of monkeys. It’s witty and eccentric. Even though I clearly had trouble remembering the characters’ names, Reflection of the Gods is canon-worthy. The ending left me somewhat unsatisfied. I have a feeling there’s going to be a sequel. Magical and sensual, Reflection of the Gods will knock your socks off.
Memorable quotes from the book:

Politeness is a very human failing. Pretense and artifice are what distinguish you from the lower orders of animalia.

When one lives forever, time has little meaning.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange of my honest review.

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